About Us

Discover Open My Network in just 2 minutes! It's the ultimate spot where student life meets fun, success, and connections. Whether you're looking to make new friends, level up your skills with awesome challenges, or win cool prizes, OMN has it all. Jump in, explore, and see how OMN can help you crush your goals while having a blast!

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Programs Powered by Open My Network

1. LEEP (Learn. Engage. Empower. Prepare)

Welcome to LEEP – a fun and exciting 30-week program designed for K-12 students and their school community! LEEP helps everyone get ready for important milestones in both school and life ...

2. Pass the Baton – Unseen Heroes

Our mission is to highlight incredible people whose journeys and achievements you won’t see in history books or on TV. We want to inspire students by sharing the stories of ‘unseen heroes’ who look like them – passing the baton and encouraging them to follow their own path to greatness."

3. Social Media Entertainment

A social platform where student life meets fun. a. OMN is your go-to spot to mix the best parts and other parts of the life of a student of being a student with the resources you need to succeed.

What You Will Learn?

Learning with entertainment

(Gamification, mini-series storytelling, and interactive activities)

Forming valuable networks

(OMN gives you a voice, connects you with the right people)

Lessons for life

(Opportunity to collect knowledge that lasts a lifetime)

Path to success

(We’re more than a platform — we’re a movement to help prosper!)